Since the last time I updated we started the kitchen floor tile. We laid down the plywood in a day using the superdrive screw gun... it is typically used for installing ceiling sheetrock because it is long and is self feeding... that is why we bought it but we didn't do the sheetrock ourselves so we still had screws leftover on the strips and it was great to use for the plywood on the floor so you could stand up and drive the gazillion screws in.
We decided to buy Travertine tile for the floor. We thought we wanted travertine and had been looking around for good deals and everywhere we went it was somewhere between 6 and 9 dollars a square foot and there was a lot of fill in it. BUT we stumbled upon it at Home Depot for less than 3 dollars a square foot. The only issue is that the tile is 18" x 18" and that is not what we wanted on the kitchen floor... soooooo we break out the tile saw and start cutting it up!!! We decided to do a Versailles style pattern. There are 4 tile sizes, 12x18, 12x12, 6x12 and 6x6. We have to cut each one out of the 18x18 tiles. It is a lot of work and the reason we are still working on the kitchen floor. We have about two thirds finished so far and it looks great. We ran out of tile on Saturday of this past weekend and spend Sunday looking for more. We went to Flemington Home Depot and they had a few boxes but they were from an older lot and looked TOTALLY different, went to Bridgewater...same deal... went to the other Bridgewater... same deal... then we drove to Phillipsburg and they had a whole pallet of the stuff we needed so we took a little more than we think we need just in case...
Meanwhile Tom's parents have come over a few days... His mom brought all the rest of the 2x4 firewood inside so we can burn it... His dad hung the flood lights outside, checked and fixed all the switches and finished everything I had not started... and he wired up all the outlets... then he put in all the breakers in both the upstairs and basement panels.
Also painted the dining room a darker color recently... It was very light and the curved ceiling was disappearing so I painted it darker and it looks better.
We had one 'small' fiasco... We were laying tile one night and Tommy went into the foyer to cut a tile... but all of a sudden he ran upstairs... a few seconds later he yelled "shut the water off"... I had no idea what he was talking about and ran upstairs... he was in the Princess Bathroom and water was everywhere... I ran back downstairs and flipped whatever water levels there are by the well inlet and hoped for the best because I didn't know which one was the main water... it stopped... turns out one of the compression fittings for the sink hoses was not tightened enough or wasn't slid on all the way so it popped off... oops... we will go around and check all of those now, if not change them to sweat fittings... There was no damage although it doesn't look good in the pictures... Because of the curved ceiling of the dining room the water rolled down the walls and came out on the floor downstairs... no damage...yay!

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