We had some tough choices to make this morning. The cervadil did nothing to dilate or soften me so they started pitocin early this morning. Unfortunately my bloodwork came back that my platelets are still low and I will likely not be able to have an epidural during vaginal delivery and if I need a csection later on I will have to have general anesthesia (that means completely knocked out with a tube down your throat to make you breath). After talking to the doctor about our options and deciding that it wasn't likely that this induction was going to work we decided to at least have a controlled delivery and so we opted for a csection with the spinal anesthesia. No sooner did we tell the doctor and it seemed like we were in the OR.
Lucas Jozef Blyskal was born at 12:17 on the first day of fall, weighing in at 7lbs 2ozs and 20 inches long. Love at first sight... couldn't believe all the hair and we were right, we got a BOY!

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