Saturday was a short day. Tommy moved some dirt out of the future patio location and I moved some mulch around a few trees. Then we went to a fun BBQ!!!
In general Sunday was the last big push to clean up the yard... grinding stumps, moving dirt, moving mulch, shredding sticks.... Then in the evening Tommy changed the oils in the kubotka.
On Memorial Day we got up early and picked up a few last piles of roots and rocks... Then Tommy's uncle came with the rototiller and helped tommy take the backhoe off the kubotka. Tommy and I took a ride to the rental place and picked up the Harley Rake. Got it back and the guys hooked it up. Then we spend the day with Tommy straining his neck to drive the kubotka around with the harley rake while the rest of us raked and picked up piles of rocks. The Harley rake is pretty decent at removing the rocks and it certainly does a great job of leveling the dirt.
The front yard is pretty rocky soil so it took a good part of the day to get the rocks out and it was HOT!!! The back yard has a lot less rocks but a few more roots so we still have some cleaning up to do there.
These are pictures of the yard before the Harley Rake, I didn't take any at the end of the day.

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