Tom's dad worked on putting a hose spigot outside the basement door and he started working on the A/C compressor piping and electric...
Tom's mom planted 300 bare root vinca's on the slope in the front yard. It was quite a bit of work and we didn't have enough...
Pawel came in the afternoon and he cut down some of the rest of the dead and/or ugly trees...
Tommy and I worked on a couple things... We cleaned up the orange and black fencing, dug the sewer stickups out and cut them so they would be underground, spread some mulch, and graded the front yard a bit...
On Saturday night we went to home depot after we got done working and on the way home we pulled into the driveway and there is a little baby skunk!!! Pepe 'Lil' Pew!!! We couldn't get up the driveway for a good 5 minutes because he kept walking back and forth in a zig zag pattern up the driveway... He doesn't quite walk either... he has a chuga chuga cho cho type of walk... one butt cheek up then the other... so funny! What are we going to do with a resident skunk!!!

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