I started first thing in the morning on cleaning out the mortar from between the stones on the fireplace. Most of it was clean already but some of the corners needed some work.

Hooper enjoyed the newly sealed side porch. The sealer worked great to brighten up the colors of the slate.

LaMar came by today to give us a hand. Tommy and him worked on the crown molding on the side porch. We have had this material for a long time but never put it up. They finally did today. We did base molding on both the ceiling and the side wall area and then they put the crown on top.

I grouted the fireplace today. It took a bit longer than I expected, but I also didn't think the grout would dry as fast as it did. As soon as I had everything grouted it was ready for me to go back and tool it.

Tom's dad was out on the front porch working on the railing. He got some pressure treated 4x4's and wedged them in the plastic sleeves. They are pretty darn stiff.

The finished side porch crown molding!

The finished fireplace! I left off the grout on the bottom though because we will need to do it after the hardwood floor goes in.

It won't be as dark as it looks in the picture. It dries much much lighter.

Using this kind of railing will save you from the hassle like maintenance. It's much more practical since stainless steel won't need replacement for a long time.