Saturday, April 3, 2010


Friday night we set out to "move" the shed... We were able to movie it about 30 feet and then it started falling apart so we gave up. The walls had shifted about a foot off of the platform, that particle board plywood does not hold at all. So then Tommy flipped it over with the kubotka and it landed on the roof (scary moment because it was rolling towards the house!!!). We knoked it aprart and made piles of 2x4's to keep and plywood to scrap. Tommy told me about 4 times to watch out for nails, but inevitably he is the one that ended up stepping on one... it didin't stop him friday but he didn't wake up today without feeling the pain... So the backyard is starting to look clearer with the shed gone and some of the material we have organized, palletized and moved further back on the property. Saturday morning we first graded the front yeard. We evened out the base dirt and filled in holes and scarped down sope of the crappier dirt. We sculpted and raked the slope so that it looks good. We won't be able to plant grass there because it is a little too steep for mowing so we are thinking about using some fo the round river rocks and pachasandras or low evergreen style plants to cover that area. We shall see... Then tommy started to move topsoil from the backyard, near the deck area, to the front yard. Although it is really really really great topsoil it is pretty full of rocks and sticks so it is too difficult to rake it out and remove ALL those little rocks. The saving grace is going to be the rental of a harley rake. It will attache to the 3 point hitche and removes all the rocks from the soil. When we have the front yard and back yard fully grades we plan to rent that and give it a shot, hope it works! Since it wasn't worth it to try and rake out all the rocks I went inside and painted the second coat on the rest of the wind/door tops.

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